As you can see and think tennis is a pretty good sport to do if you are in need of some exercise. It is not a sport that you can just do and then lay around. It is one of those types of sports where when you are playing it you are constantly running and trying to keep up with it. I have played tennis and I know what it takes to play the sport. You do not have to be in top shape to play the sport but if you are going to be actually playing the sport then you need to be able to run quick and get to the ball so you can hit it back. Tennis is a cardio sport and you need to be able to do that in order to play this sport.
If you have the energy to go running or jogging then you have the ability to play a good game of tennis. It is just one of those sports that you need to be able to run and keep up with yourself or your teammate that you are playing tennis with. Running is just part of the game and if you cannot run or jog for at least like 20 to 30 minutes then you are not going to be able to play the game of tennis because it will be too hard on you and you will more then likely get sick. So if you are out of shape then you need to run or jog so that you can get in shape to play the sport.
If you are looking for a nice good powerful swing then you need to work on your abs. you will want your abs to look good and be toned so that you can get a good strong swing. Without a good strong swing in tennis you will not be able to play the sport vigorously so you need to start getting your workout in so you will be able to keep up. If you cannot keep up then you will not be able to stay on the court and your teammate will probably find someone else to start playing with.
Your back muscles will need to be in good shape as well. You will need to basically tone out your whole body in order for yourself to play the sport with style and talent. You will be a whole different player in tennis after you have undergone your transformation. You will be able to play for longer and harder when you are in good shape.
You arms and your legs will be your two main places that you need to keep in shape and keep them doing something everyday. Without your arms and legs you are not a tennis player. After you have toned out everything then you can start to play the sport with fun because you will be able to wing that ball and be able to play the sport.
Gregg Hall is an author living with his 18 year old son in Jensen Beach, Florida. Find more about tennis as well as a tennis equipment at http://www.nsearch.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gregg_Hall
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